
The Distress Subsided

1 minute read | Published

Headless Horseman

Nighttime approached in the Hollow and as the hue of the sky shifted to dark, another dreary state of slumber commenced.

The raven, ever so gallantly mounted on a birch pedestal, twitched his head in bewilderment as the Horseman lay in his bed of stone.

Aware of his elongated moments in solitude, this living humble creature sensed that this extended period of time alone had caused a great deal of misery for the Horseman. Over time the distress subsided.


1 minute read | Published

Blakk Harbor

“Krude” proclaims a hostile harsh raw statement to modern economies, human morality and globalized system failure of a degenerated society in a never-ending downward spiral.

Erajh Nur Dwfa

1 minute read | Published


OAKE is a German experimental techno project that ventures into the sonic realms of fear and uncertainty. OAKE pushes an unforgiving style that’s demanding of listeners, devoid of stock value or predictable moralizing, and which seeks to find and create romance in a greyscale world of brutalist architecture and all-pervasive automation.